The three forces.

In the text of Proverbs 9: 9, Solomon defines wisdom as prudence. To be wise is to be prudent. In the dictionary, the best definition of prudence is balance. wisdom means BALANCE.
And balance you do not learn at university, it is not the result of study, nor is it the result of years of investigation and research. In my case, I find Balance in form and a gift that Jesus gives to those who live a life of daily communion, with endless defects on my side, this powerful force of balance I can say that I found an inexhaustible source — in Jesus Christ.
And what does business have to do with Solomon and Jesus Christ?
Born around 974 BCE, Solomon was crowned king of Israel at just 12 years old. According to the Old Testament, God appeared to him and offered to give him what he wanted, but the young man asked only for wisdom to rule his people. Fascinated with such HUMILITY, God made him the richest, wisest and most victorious man of all time.
Here I invite you to reflect … Think of an average human at the age of 12 being in our current era and hardly daily activities are beyond digital platforms and consumption of what I call “liquid reality”. In the past, human beings produced much more, even without 4.0 technologies.
I’m not talking about Warren Buffet, read again … Solomon. I have read several books on business and, thankfully, I noticed that the knowledge I need and that moves me forward with balance and humility is the same that helped Solomon and is perfectly experienced in Jesus Christ.
“(…) And behold, here is who is more than Solomon.” Matthew 12:42
The verse above clearly shows that Jesus Christ at the level of knowledge and wealth (and success, since He did and does a living work with a global reach that turns the success of any unicorn into little more than vanity). Jesus Christ lived and lives what Solomon demonstrated in his youth before God: Humidity!
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and praise! Revelation 5:12. The GRATITUDE of Jesus Christ made him, and will forever, receive even more than he already had, I did not find in any book, such a direct message and such a pragmatic result in business and in life, that exemplify these three forces: Balance, Humility and Gratitude.
Even though I have a dedicated Customer Success team at the company, our processes are Lean and Agile enough to grow Exponentially to a huge Exit, hardly without the three forces the results will be nothing but vanity.